G7 Geotech Ltd can provide you with all ground-related desk-based searches which we obtain from commercially available sources, including Groundsure, British Geological Survey and The Coal Authority. We also obtain information from Local Planning Authorities (LPA) and the Environment Agency.
We have undertaken many ground investigations for which our desk studies beforehand have proved invaluable in scoping and organising the fieldwork to gain maximum benefit from the investigations.  This is particularly relevant when a high proportion of development sites are on land which has had a long history of multiple previous uses.  Finding out about historical land uses can be key to understanding ground risk in terms of ground contamination, the influence of earthworks, or the presence of old foundations / buried structures.

Our scope of desk-based reporting includes:
1. Pre-purchase and feasibility advice for potential development sites
2. Desk studies including historical, geotechnical and environmental data
3. Preliminary ground contamination assessments and conceptual models
4. Preliminary land stability reports for basement impact assessments or for sloping sites
5. Desk-based Sustainable Drainage Assessments (SuDS)
6. Preliminary mineral resource assessments
7. Geotechnical desk studies

The primary reason many of these report types are requested is because they are LPA requirements although desk studies should be viewed as equally important for developing an understanding of geotechnical risks including coal mining, chalk hazard or the influence of trees at the earliest possible opportunity during development planning.

We would be pleased to discuss the benefits of a desk study for your development site so do pick up the phone and get in touch.